“Emotional skills are the key to unlocking the potential inside [...]

“Emotional skills are the key to unlocking the potential inside [...]

Certification Programs in Emotional Intelligence

Recognising the importance that emotional intelligence can make in our personal and professional lives, the Emotional Intelligence Society Australia (EISA) is dedicated to making a difference to individuals and workplace teams by offering the Level I, II, and III Certification programs. 

Our training programs have been approved by the International Society of Emotional Intelligence and have been adapted to suit the Australian context.

The certification programs offer participants expert training in empirically-based knowledge of emotional intelligence and effective strategies/skills in developing your own EI abilities. Participants will develop their own emotional intelligence as part of the training process as they learn to use EI strategies effectively in their work and personal life. 


Every 3 months, we will organise online webinars where you will be able to learn from and interact with Australia and international experts in emotional intelligence.

Subscribe below to be notified when the next webinar will take place.

For more information on the certification programs, please select from the dropdown lists below and download the Level I and II flyer.

Certificate I information brochure – download here

The next Certificate I workshop will run on 1 November 2021 at the Tradewinds Hotel in Fremantle, Western Australia.

To register for the Cert I workshop on 1 November 2021 : https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/814659?bof=1

Level I: Foundations of Emotional Intelligence

  • EISA Members $220 (10% discount)
  • Non-Members $249

Includes lunch, morning and afternoon tea, and printed workshop notes.

1-day workshop

Workshop topics will include:

  • Define and describe emotional intelligence
  • Describe the purpose of emotions in our everyday lives
  • Describe the ability and mixed models of emotional intelligence
  • Knowledge of the latest research on the importance of EI in our everyday lives
  • Insights into your own EI and areas for improvement
  • Strategies that could be implemented that may enhance EI skills in individuals, teams and organisations

Participants will engage in experiential activities aimed to develop ideas on how to implement EI strategies in your personal and professional lives.

Level II: Emotional Intelligence Interventions for Individuals, Teams, and Leaders

2-day workshop

Before the workshop you will need to complete the MSCEIT (the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso EI Test) and some preparation readings and tasks.

  • EISA Members $764 (10% discount)
  • Non-Members $849

Includes lunch, morning and afternoon tea, printed workshop notes, and your personalised 20+ EI report based on your results from the MSCEIT – the Mayer Salovey Caruso EI Test.

The workshop topics include:

  • a detailed understanding and reflection on your own emotional intelligence;
  • a comprehensive report of your EI scores (the MSCEIT and other similar assessments);
  • detailed insights into the Ability Models of emotional intelligence and related measurement tools;
  • insights into how to improve your personal EI abilities in your personal and professional life;
  • ideas to improve the EI of the teams you work in;
  • how to embed EI into your leadership and management roles;
  • this experiential workshop will involve interactive and interpersonal activities aimed to develop each participants’ EI. Personal reactions and emotional states will be examined for the purpose of understanding how emotions function.
  • Our use of emotional information in professional settings will be explored. Strategies will be developed that will enable each participant to more effectively gauge and use his or her emotions in professional interventions.
  • Participants will work with instructors individually and in small groups to each develop a specific intervention plan for their discipline. Plans will be aimed at facilitating positive changes using EI principles and will be based on empirically grounded methods.
  • Preparation: Participants will be expected to complete approximately 2 hours of preparatory readings and EI assessments prior to attending the workshop;
  • Follow-up session: will occur 4-6 weeks after the workshop online via Zoom to review the workshop, answer questions, and discuss how participants implemented EI strategies in their personal and professional lives.

NB: This workshop does not certify participants for formal administration of the MSCEIT, EQi or ECI as formal training of these instruments must be obtained through the respective authors/publishers.


One-year intensive with monthly Zoom meetings and projects/s

The Level III EI Specialist Program prepares professionals to integrate emotional intelligence (EI) into their respective disciplines and to contribute to the EI field.

  • The EI Specialist Program is offered on-line and utilizes a mentorship model.
  • The EI Specialist Program requires a one-year commitment with monthly Zoom or face-to-face meetings (and can be extended to two years if necessary).
  • Participants will have one-on-one monthly meetings with their respective mentor/s to work on various projects and areas of study.  The specific readings, written papers, goals and projects are individualised to the particular needs and interests of the participant.
  • The Level III EI Specialist Program Certification will occur collaboratively with the International Society of Emotional Intelligence and may include link-ups with international experts.
  • ​Participants follow a sequenced curriculum that focuses on five main areas: (1) in-depth studies of general EI theory, discipline-specific areas, and related areas of knowledge (2) issues and methods of EI assessment and evaluation (3) teaching and training strategies, (4) EI research, and (5) personal EI development.
  • Each participant will complete a project that is related to their areas of interest (e.g. your workplace) over the one year program.

​The Level III EI Specialist Program is open to anyone who has completed the Level I and II programs or similar.

For more information about the  Level 3 EI Specialist Program, please email us on info@eisa.org.au