Student Subscription

Free for university students

University students receive FREE acces to EISA’s newsletters. You will also be eligible for discounts to some of EISA’s training courses and events. Apply by answering a few simple questions related to your interest in emotional intelligence.

Foundation Member

$140 per year

Signup to become a EISA Foundation Member and receive all the benefits – our newsletter, FREE access to all webinars, access to the Members Only section of EISA’s website, FREE access to the Level I Foundations of EI online training course, and MOST events.

Corporate Member

Pricing is based on Organisation size.

Register your interest to become a Corporate Member. We will be in contact and organise access to the benefits for all your staff. Benefits could include access to our newsletter, webinars, events, the Members Only section of EISAs website with some great resources, and customised training courses.

Member Benefits
Foundation Member ($140/year)
Student Subscription (Free)
Online webinars: to learn about the latest research and applications of emotional intelligence from Australian and international guest presenters YES Need to pay
eNewsletter via email: to hear about the latest research, events, practical applications, and case studies of emotional intelligence in practice YES YES
Discounts for Face-to-face Training YES Discount for some courses
Discounts to online training YES Discount for some courses
Invitation to attend annual Australia mini-conference YES YES
Notification of training opportunities across Australia and internationally YES YES
Access to Member Only Resources via a password-protected section of the website including:
– Recordings of all EISA webinars
– Resources

Corporate Membership

EISA welcome small, medium, and larger organisations to become corporate members.
SMALL: up to 20 staff
$500 annually
MEDIUM: 21 – 100 staff
$2000 annually
LARGE: 101 -500 staff
$4000 annually
• EISA newsletter – emailed to all staff
• EISA webinars
– free for all staff
• EISA resources –
access to password protected resources on EISA website
• EISA Training Courses
o Level I EI training 50% discount to all staff
• EISA Annual Mini-Conference
o 10% discount to all staff
EISA newsletter – emailed to all staff
EISA webinars – free for all staff
EISA resources – access to password protected resources on EISA website
EISA Training Courses – Level I EI training 50% discount to all staff
EISA Annual Mini-Conference – free for 2 x staff members and 25% discount to all staff
EISA newsletter – emailed to all staff
EISA webinars – free for all staff
EISA resources – access to password protected resources on EISA website
EISA Training Courses
o Level I EI training 50% discount to all staff
o Level II EI training – free for 2 x staff members and 25% discount to all staff
• EISA Annual Mini-Conference
o free for 2 x staff members and 25% discount to all staff
Customised Services
· EISA can deliver an array of customised services to your staff.

• Training Emotional Intelligence Skills and Theory – customised to your to your staff – customised to focus on the core business of the organisation ($150/hour per facilitator plus customisation and other related costs)
• 1 hour lunch time EI sessions ($150/hour per facilitator plus customisation and other related costs)
• Train-the-Trainer program – to upskill staff member/s to be able to facilitate EI training and discussions ($150/hour per facilitator plus customisation and other related costs)
• EI newsletter – customised with topics focussed on the core business of your organisation – ($150/hour)
• Consultation on EI and related topics ($150/hour plus other related costs)
• For organisations seeking to collaborate with EISA where both organisation can have a win:win relationship by supporting each other. We can develop a Memorandum of Understanding that is customised to your organisation needs.

Corporate Membership

EISA welcome small, medium, and larger organisations to become corporate members.

Foundation and Student Membership

EISA Member Benifits