The official launch of EISA
The official launch of the Emotional Intelligence Society of Australia (EISA) was held on 4 June 2021 at 10am (Perth time). It was an inspiring 50 minute launch. Mark Sparvell (from Microsoft) and Professor Neal Ashkanasy (from University of Queensland) provided their insights into the importance of EI in teh 21st century.
To watch the launch – click here
- 0-5 mins: Cindy Cranswick (MC and EISA Treasurer)
- 5-11:30 mins: Chris Skinner (Chair)
- 11:30-1 9mins: Nigel Gribble (Deputy Chair – discusses EISAs training programs)
- 19-22 mins: Annette Watkins (EISA Treasurer)
- 22-29 mins: Laurel Collin (EISA Marketing)
- 29-39 mins: Mark Sparvell (EISA Ambassador and Director of Educational Marketing at Microsoft)
- 39-49 mins; Professor Neale Ashkanasy (EISA Ambassador and researcher t University of Queensland)
- Summary and some questions
ISEI is a non-profit educational organization that brings together researchers, scholars and professionals from around the globe who are interested in applying the principles of emotional intelligence (EI). The Society supports the advancement of emotional intelligence theory, research and practice as well as the dissemination of empirically-based knowledge. EI is applicable to a range of disciplines and fields such as education, business, organizations, medicine, therapy, assessment, and the arts.